Miscellaneous Auction    23JB

Tractor Attachments

List Grid Name ID Date Lot
3 PT Hitch 2 Inch Receiver Hitch - Tractor Attachment

4 Photos 23JB10044-006

Drayton Valley, AB

1694 3 PT Hitch 2 Inch Receiver Hitch - Tractor Attachment (Unused)

3 PT Hitch Two Bottom Plow - Tractor Attachment

5 Photos 23JB04001-020

Drayton Valley, AB

2563 3 PT Hitch Two Bottom Plow - Tractor Attachment

60 Inch 3 PT Hitch Flail Mower - Tractor Attachment

6 Photos 23JB10066-005

Drayton Valley, AB

2560 60 Inch 3 PT Hitch Flail Mower - Tractor Attachment

540 PTO

72 Inch Multi Purpose Bucket - Tractor Attachment

4 Photos 23JB10007-009

Drayton Valley, AB

2437 72 Inch Multi Purpose Bucket - Tractor Attachment

84 Inch 3 Pt hitch Blade

5 Photos 23JB10012-005

Drayton Valley, AB

2447 84 Inch 3 Pt hitch Blade

Manual angle

Custombuilt 44 Inch Bale Forks - Tractor Attachment

3 Photos 23JB10007-020

Drayton Valley, AB

2425 Custombuilt 44 Inch Bale Forks - Tractor Attachment

Farmhand Bale Accumulator

6 Photos 23JB05012-010

Off Site

Genesee, AB

2722 Farmhand Bale Accumulator (Inoperable)

Kevin 780-991-7794
Turn east off Hwy 770 onto, TWP 512, first driveway on the north side passed RR21
Inland 72 Inch 3 PT Hitch Snow Blower - Tractor Attachment

9 Photos 23JB10007-017

Drayton Valley, AB

2445 Inland 72 Inch 3 PT Hitch Snow Blower - Tractor Attachment

540 PTO

John Deere 3 PT Hitch Tandem Disc - Tractor Attachment

9 Photos 23JB04001-016

Drayton Valley, AB

2564 John Deere 3 PT Hitch Tandem Disc - Tractor Attachment

Front disc 18 inch, rear 20 inch, spacing 8 inch

John Deere 44 Inch Tiller - Utility Tractor Attachment

9 Photos 23JB04001-014

Drayton Valley, AB

2451 John Deere 44 Inch Tiller - Utility Tractor Attachment

John Deere 47 Inch Snow Blower - Utility Tractor Attachment

5 Photos 23JB04001-013

Drayton Valley, AB

2450 John Deere 47 Inch Snow Blower - Utility Tractor Attachment

Massey Ferguson 3 PT Hitch Three Bottom Plow - Tractor Attachment

7 Photos 23JB04001-019

Drayton Valley, AB

2562 Massey Ferguson 3 PT Hitch Three Bottom Plow - Tractor Attachment

Massey Ferguson 72 Inch 3 PT Hitch Blade - Tractor Attachment

6 Photos 23JB05007-055

Off Site

Drayton Valley, AB

2671 Massey Ferguson 72 Inch 3 PT Hitch Blade - Tractor Attachment

Rod 780-898-2217
48028A Range Road 85 just west of Drayton Valley
Massey Ferguson 84 Inch 3 PT Hitch Cultivator - Tractor Attachment

8 Photos 23JB04001-018

Drayton Valley, AB

2561 Massey Ferguson 84 Inch 3 PT Hitch Cultivator - Tractor Attachment

12 inch spacing

Massey Ferguson SJ0 20 3 PT Bucket - Tractor Attachment

4 Photos 23JB05007-054

Off Site

Drayton Valley, AB

2670 Massey Ferguson SJ0 20 3 PT Bucket - Tractor Attachment

Rod 780-898-2217
48028A Range Road 85 just west of Drayton Valley

24 inch w x 32 inch l x 15 inch h

Shopbuilt 8.5 Ft Bale Stook Fork

4 Photos 23JB05012-011

Off Site

Genesee, AB

2723 Shopbuilt 8.5 Ft Bale Stook Fork

Kevin 780-991-7794
Turn east off Hwy 770 onto, TWP 512, first driveway on the north side passed RR21

Fits Massey Ferguson tractor front end to replace bucket

Worksaver DC-51 60 Inch 3 PT Hitch Blade - Tractor Attachment

7 Photos 23JB10025-008

Drayton Valley, AB

2227 Worksaver DC-51 60 Inch 3 PT Hitch Blade - Tractor Attachment

Manual angle

Categories: Miscellaneous Auction - Oct 16, 2023
