About Team Auctions

Over 5000 Auctions Sold...    Operating since 1966 (50 years)

Professional Accredits
  • Auctioneer Licenses (Canada)
  • Alberta Auction Market Association Member
  • Auctioneers Association Member in Alberta and British Columbia
  • Auctioneers Association Member in Canada
  • Licensed Livestock Dealers in Alberta
  • Real-Estate Licenses
  • N.A.I.T. Business & Marketing
  • Appraisals, Canadian Certified
  • Applicable Business Licences
Auction Advantages

A well advertised auction ensures the seller that all items sold will bring the highest fair market value at that point in time the final bid has more than anyone else would pay.

An auction puts a time limit on the conversion of chattels (sale items) to cash and allows the seller to move on to the next phase of their life.

In cases where one or more of the beneficiaries of an estate would like to buy, provisions can be made for them to bid at the auction. This is a fair way of establishing the price. Arrangements can be made in advance for their purchases to be deducted from their share of the proceeds.

As with an estate situation, when resolving matrimonial property disputes or dissolving partnerships, special arrangements have sometimes been made to allow one or more of the owners the same right to bid as any member of the public. This allows one of the parties to retain ownership provided they are willing to pay one bid more than anyone else and to comply with the same terms as any other buyer.

With rural auctions the sellers often have one or more parties who would like to buy. The auction lets the buyers decide who the new owner will be. This alleviates the Seller "picking" who gets it.

The Auction solves the problem of setting an “asking price”: With regular listings if the price is too high the property will not sell. If it is too low it may sell to quickly but the seller does not receive what they should. The “asking price” problem is even more complicated if one of the potential buyers is a friend or neighbor.

Some examples of situations best suited to sell by auction are:

  • Real Estate Liquidations
  • Agriculture Dispersals
  • Estate liquidations
  • Retirement Sales
  • Foreclosures
  • Bankruptcies
  • Dissolving Partnerships
  • Matrimonial Property
  • Relocations
  • Debt Reduction
  • Corporate Restructuring
  • Livestock Dispersals
Services Offered by Team Auctions
  1. A minimum guarantee, cash advance or outright purchase are available.
  2. Analyze location, demographics, property and logistics of auction, recommend advertising campaign.
  3. Create design, place and follow up on all advertising recommended by Team Auctions Ltd. and agreed to by seller.
  4. Contact all customers in Team Auctions database.
  5. Inventory and produce a full listing and description of all items to be sold.
  6. Layout area plan for auction day line up of all items to be sold.
  7. Provide support in days leading up to sale in terms of lining up equipment, sorting of livestock and other recommendations. (Complete setup also available)
  8. Order all sale site facilities including toilets, catering, parking signs, mobile office, mobile sound truck, etc.
  9. Provide all staffing to register buyers, conduct auction, build catalogues, collections and to provide any information needed.
  10. Finance all auction sale expenses leading up to sale day.
  11. Do all title searches necessary. Pay out any leins as directed by seller.
  12. Look after all collections of monies and maintain all funds in a trust account.
  13. Control the balancing, deductions and payout of auction within a period of ten days after the sale date.
  14. Provide seller with final report.

* Other services can be provided in accordance with the needs of seller.


Team Auctions Ltd. custom designs and budgets your advertising campaign to bring the maximum amount of buyers to your sale.


  • Market analysis of the location and property being auctioned and target the according buyers.
  • Setup and create and design an advertising campaign including deadlines, target demographics, circulation, listenership and schedules.
  • Implement advertising campaign.
  • Advertising will include a combination of the following:
    Flyers (Over 100,000 flyers across Western Canada!)
    Newspaper Ads Local/National
    Web Presence (Team Auctions website, Kijiji, Global Auctions, Facebook, Twitter)
    Faxes/Mass E-mail
    Public Address Announcements
    Direct Marketing

Note: Team Auctions has won various awards including web design and advertising excellence!
